Design Process

The design process of any architectural design project will follow the 8 work stages as below. This ensures that all the design work is carried out in the correct order, allowing for a systematic approach. These work stages have been derived from the RIBA Plan of Work and developed to suit how we work and how we can take your project from an initial idea through to completion.

Design Process - Stage 1 - Define

Stage 1 - Define

At the very beginning of any project we work with you, your ideas and aspirations. For those who have never carried out a home extension project before and need help creating a project brief check out our resources page. For those who have experience and have a good understanding of what you want and need and understand what’s involved, you can send us your project brief and we can get started on your project. Having a good understanding of the design and build process and a well documented project brief helps solidify your ideas, provides direction for the design of your project and avoids wasting time and money. Once we have understood your project brief we will visit your house to complete an extensive measured survey, take photographs and identify any potential site issues early on. At the end of this stage, we will all have a really good understanding of your project, opportunities and constraints. At the end of this stage you will receive an accurate set of existing house drawings including a site plan, floor plans and elevation drawings.

Design Process - Stage 2 - Concept

Stage 2 - Concept Designs

Once we have gone through and defined your project and have a good understanding of your project requirements, we can start working on the concept designs and see look at different floor plan arrangements and try different designs out to make sure that the overall look, form, function, style and appearance is in keeping with your original ideas. By considering all aspects of your brief, opportunities and constraints we will be able to offer design ideas that can be built and that provides you with options and considerations. We will send you different options to think about and we’ll work with you to refine them into something that you will be really happy with.

Design Process - Stage 3 - Planning Application

Stage 3 - Develop Designs - Planning Application

This is where we prepare and assemble the final design and drawings needed to make a  planning application, with meticulous care and attention to important details. We understand residential planning rules and regulations and in most cases know what supporting documentation is needed and can help obtain any additional statements if required. A copy of the final design can also be forwarded to an independent Quantity Surveyor if required, to assess and provide a preliminary cost analysis to establish if the final design at this stage meets your cost requirements. We can then consider any changes to the design to ensure the project is in line with your cost expectations. Once the final design is approved by yourself, we will make a planning application on your behalf and monitor the progress and keep you informed of any updates.

Design Process - Stage 4 - Construction Documents

Stage 4 - Construction Documents - Building Regulations Application

This is the stage where you need to call on our expertise as these drawings are much more complex and detailed. We specialise in the production of these drawings and details to ensure that the project is ‘build-able’.  Our drawings will ensure that your builder has all the information for the structure so that an accurate tender submission could be achieved at this stage if required. We will make sure that you meet all your statutory obligations and that your project is compliant with all current rules and regulations. We will meet to explain the technical design to you and once approved we will apply for your building regulations full plans approval notice. Once a building regulations application has been submitted, we take this opportunity to consider any Party Wall Act matters and assemble all relevant party wall notices for you to pass onto your neighbours with the aim to obtain their consent prior to any works starting on site.

Design Process - Stage 5 - Health & Safety

Stage 5 - Health & Safety

Health and safety on domestic constructions sites, now requires the client to take on more responsibility, to ensure no work can commence on site until a health and safety file has been assembled and that all significant risks have been documented and highlighted by the design team. The health and safety file is then passed onto the builder/contractor who also has a number of legal responsibilities to ensure the construction phase of the project is carried out as safe as possible. We aim to guide you through this process making sure your legal duties are met.

Design Process - Stage 6 - Design Specification

Stage 6 - Design Specification

Writing a design specification enables all items that are not detailed on the construction drawings to be properly detailed and specified. Items like sanitary ware, internal doors, ironmongery, heating, electrical, lights and switches etc can be clearly specified, documented and quantified so that every aspect of the project can be included and costed for. The specification also lays down the expected level of workmanship required by the contractors/builders and all sub-contractors. At this stage we will provide additional detailed drawings for the project, including heating and electrical layouts, detailed kitchen and bathroom plans and bespoke joinery details.


Stage 7 - Tender

This is where we look at suitable contractors/builders and look at their suitability, experience and availability and invite them to tender for your project, we create a tender pack from the information produced at the earlier stages and are on hand to ask any questions or queries that may be asked through the tender process. Once all tenders are received we will assist you in selecting and choosing the right contractor/builder for your project. We adhere to the NBS guide to competitive tendering ensuring the process is fair and all above board and that all information submitted to tenderers is equal.

Design Process - Stage 8 - Project Application

Stage 8 - Project Administration

Project administrating a building project requires us to take a fair and impartial view of all matters relating to the construction phase of the project. We will arrange the most suitable contract for the project between the client and contractor/builder and co-ordinate the administration of the project and keep any eye on the construction to make sure the project is being built to a high standard as specified and designed. Regular meetings will be held between all parties through the construction phase and we will look after all matters relating to the administration of the project contract including:

  • Managing the financial projections of the project.

  • Agreeing and certifying all payment certificates.

  • Monitoring site progress, programme of works and managing any extension of time requests.

  • Managing any changes, amendments to the project through contract administrator instructions.

  • Ensuring contractors compliance with design, legal and statutory requirements.

  • Certifying practical completion and managing the latent defects period.

  • Managing project completion and handover

Design Process - Stage 9 - Completion!


Your architectural design project is now complete and you are ready to enjoy your refurbished home, single or two storey extension, conversion or annex. Time to celebrate!